Here comes the sun (2020)

A quilt in the time of Covid

I invited people from across the globe to make embroidery for the quilt Here Comes the Sun. 126 embroidered squares where created by 108 people from diverse backgrounds. Some were professional artists, some children, some hadn’t picked up a needle and thread since school. A team of volunteers stitched the designs of people who needed extra help due to struggles with homelessness, economic hardship or physical disabilities.  

Our theme was Suns, a symbol of alchemy. It represents life, influence and strength. It symbolizes energy, power, growth, health, passion and the cycle of life in many cultures and religions throughout time.

“I am at home with my husband who is an end-of-life situation. He won’t be around when your quilt is finished, but the suns are a sign that we all lived under the sun for millions of years, and millions of lives have come and gone, but the sun endures.” Beryl Lott

“I just want you to know that being involved in something like this is a lifesaver for those of us in isolation. I am a widow and 72 years old.” Janet

“Mental health, addictions, all mixed into one. I hardly speak to anyone, I feel calmed down working with you.” Natalie

Embroidered Sun, Laura Burril, May 2020


Bury Art Museum May- July 2021 Live Audience 2021

Festival of Quilts, NEC August 2021 Live audience 26,000

Project in numbers

108 participants aged between 8 and 92

126 embroidered squares were created

This was an arthur+martha project, with support from The Booth CentreBack on TrackLiaise Women’s Centre and Arts Council England. 

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